“MAMA?” My five-year old asked in her lilting voice, the one she uses when she has something important to say.
“Yes sweetheart?”
“I LOVE AFRICA. I feel safe in our home now. I love sleeping in my mosquito net.”
Tears pressed behind my eyes. For months, she had told me how much she missed her home in Singapore, sitting on my lap near the ledge of our high-rise watching the birds fly.
As memories of us leaving behind our home in 14 suitcases flooded my heart, I thought about the faithfulness of God to bless us with a new home here.
Most of all, finding a framer in our small town and being able to put up our family gallery on our wall made it feel… like home.
Lately, a few kindly strangers wrote to me saying how sorry they felt for the sacrifices our kids have had to go through. And occasionally, I do wonder about that too.
But it’s moments like this, when their involuntary genuinity betrays our worst fears, that I know— God rewards our surrender when we let go and never look back.
Four months into the field, we finally feel we’ve made a home here. 🥹💛
If you’re holding back from a big adventure you sense God calling your family to because of fear, I hope this encourages you— that while the losses are real and often painful to bear, the assurance of His provision changes everything. 💛
He provided for us— He’ll provide a home for you and your loved ones, too. 🏡🌍
“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come.”— Mark 10:30