I know there are days that are hard to get out of bed.
I get those too.
And they’ve become more frequent these days.
But when that familiar feeling of dread blankets over me, tells me to languish and cover myself in sackcloth,
I tell myself—
Get out of bed.
More often than not,
I am not disappointed.
Today, I was not disappointed.
“(Matthew 11:28-30 tells us Jesus’s) yoke is kind, and his burden is light. That is his yoke is a non-yoke, and his burden is a non-burden. What helium does to a balloon, Jesus’ yoke does to his followers. We are buoyed along in life by his endless gentleness, and supremely accessible lowliness. He doesn’t simply meet us at our place of need; he lives in our place of need. He never tires of sweeping us into his tender embrace. It is his very heart. It is what gets him out of bed in the morning.”
– Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund