Thank you everyone for all yr prayers for Cliff’s and my vomitting through the night… It was a hard night but so grateful for a friend delivering medicines to our doorstep this morning.
We felt such a tangible sense of God’s presence wrapping around us today, such a humbling to know that our lives are sustained here each day by nothing less than God’s grace.
Thank you so much for all yr prayers 💛🙏🏾
This week, we are also praying hard for a series of miracles to see a challenging matter that’s been affecting us for months finally come to a permanent resolve.
It will take a step of courage because it involves informing the authorities about something we’ve witnessed. It will take a risk because it could jeopardize relationships. But we want to trust God that as He has led us to witness a series of disturbing incidents, that He will use us to make wrongs right, and yet protect us with His favor.
It will really take a miracle for 8 parties to come together this week to make wrong right, for justice to be done. Would you pray with us?
I’ve often wondered— why trust? Why believe? Why go out on a limb to think that this massive miracle could be pulled off?
But I think to do what’s right, often requires going out on a limb, no? To know that maybe the effort will be for naught, that it could backfire, that the system could let you down and things might be worse than before.
But I want to believe, that God could make a way amidst the impossible, so I’ll always know it was Him, and not me who made the impossible, possible; who made wrong, right; who brought justice to an unjust world.
Maybe the impossibility of it all is for us to know—
It can’t be me. I can’t do this. It has to be Him.
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