2024 was a year of breaking.
I quit my job. I lost my health, spent months in intractable pain. We left behind our home. I left a spiritual community of 19 years. My kids let go of friends and schools. People I’d loved walked away. A close family member cut ties with us.
Was obedience really worth it?
On July 1st, at the crossing of the halfway mark of the year, we moved to Tanzania.
2024 then became a year of rebuilding— of restoration, renovation and rejuvenation.
For everything we left, God RESTORED unto us— a new home, friends, community. For every restoration, first came a deep work of painful RENOVATION of the heart. For every renovation, sprung a REJUVENATION from deep within.
Where I once grieved why it took so much for me to walk away from volatile, dysfunctional relationships, I now find a sense of peace, purpose and wonder.
I learnt— that a year is not defined by its worst moments, but by what we glean in the dark.
With breaking, comes a chance at rebuilding.
This season, as you step out in faith and obedience, may God give you courage in your sacrifice, strength in your battles, and trust knowing that— even when you’ve lost much, even when you’re not sure what lies ahead… something beautiful awaits.
Because He is good. And He is faithful.