Like you, I grew up with scripts about things in my life being good or bad. I believed these scripts would take root, become entrenched and get passed on to my kids- for generations to come.
One day, a lightbulb went off in my head and the script was flipped for me. I learnt that going through bad things didn’t mean I would pass them on. It meant I’d been through enough to know what the landmines were, and I had power to break the cycle.
Food and body are such loaded topics- our fads, cultures and beliefs only deepen the scripts we loathed as children. But guess what? Today, we’re equipped more than ever to learn new things, grapple with skills and then see what best aligns with our hearts and watch that effect the change we want to see.
I know this is such a controversial topic so take what is helpful and toss the rest. But I thought to share my own revelations, what helped me, and hope you find your own new scripts to re-story your own past and find your new beginnings— for you and your children💛