I was excited and anxious and giddy with joy and fear about coming to this moment.
The Professional People had told me before, that for Rainbow (my next book) to work, for it to achieve its cause of bringing hope to those who were hurting and raising awareness about this treacherous thing called Anorexia, I had to be comfortable with sharing my story. I had to be comfortable with my past and present. I had to be comfortable with the media.
It’s not easy.
The Mighty People had warned me before, that this was a Dangerous path to choose. It could affect my career, my life plans, my image. People will mark you down for your past. It is not a forgiving society. Once you go public with the book and your previous illness, there will be no turning back. They had warned me against it.
But God is funny, with ways and thoughts higher than ours. Who would have thought that the committee which gave me the award thought this as courage. Who would have thought that the award was timed just perfectly before the launch of Rainbow, that I may be encouraged and affirmed?
Faith, is all about trusting in the unseen and what we do not yet have. It’s about following your heart in spite of naysayers.
Like going to Nepal during the rioting. Like writing my first book. Like learning to cycle and picking up triathlon. Like booking my flight tickets to Africa to visit this ministry– this time this next trip really scares me (3 flights to get there-golly!) All the choices which instilled most fear in me turned out to be the most life-changing ones.
So here goes. Yea, I’m afraid. I’m afraid of doing the wrong thing, afraid of screwing up, afraid of consequences and afraid of the process. But that’s okay.
That’s okay.
from: here
“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything.
Take care of yourself and your friends.
Have fun, be crazy, be weird.
Go out and screw up!
You’re going to anyway,
so you might as well enjoy the process.
Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes:
find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.
Don’t try to be perfect;
just be an excellent example of being human.”
– Anthony Robbins
Your past is just a story.
And once you realize this it has no power over you.”
— Chuck Palahniuk
“Be strong and of good courage,
do not fear nor be afraid of them;
for God is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you. “
– Deuteronomy 31:6
That's ok… ;o)
I am returning to Penang to be with my parents for CNY celebration. I wish you and your parents a very warm and joyful Rabbit Year!
You were born in the year of rabbit right ? Cute..heehee
I guess it is not so crucial to do things right but to do the right things. And walking with God has made you righteous and He will give you the wisdom to do the right thing. 🙂