If there’s one thing I learnt this year, it’s the power of presence that we gift to others, when we give it with all our hearts. 💛
But not many of us realize, that to give a wholehearted YES to our loved ones, to guard and nurture our inner gardens, requires an audacious NO to a thousand other things vying for our attention.
When sudden spine surgery hit a pause in my life and people learnt that I couldn’t respond to them, an enlargement in my life took place. I couldn’t type nor sit still without pain, so the Lord opened my eyes to what Id been missing all this time when my head was glued to my phone.
Then it hit me— it was I who had allowed so many obligations to hem me in.
This year-end season, if you’re reflecting on how to be more present in the new year, make a list of how you’d like to guard your garden.
Set a timer on your phone for automatic shutdown every evening. Exit WhatsApp groups. Turn down gatherings. Put up an out-of-office reply.
Put a gate around your garden so your heart can truly flourish, for those who matter most. 🌱