I wasn’t expecting it.
But when God arrested me and put His finger on an area of my life I thought was flourishing, I sat up to listen.
These days, many of us talk about a “sphere of influence” or having “digital presence” as a good thing. And the truth is, we can certainly use them for good.
But in my zeal to steward these spaces, something was shifting. My need to document was slowly overriding my need to savour; my need to be plugged in was slowly invading my need to be present. When I dug deep, underneath all the “good stuff” that people were affirming me for, was a slow shifting away from the One who anchors everything.
God invited me to step away, so I could candidly answer the question, “Can you walk away from this?”
Because the truth is- if we’re not careful, our lives can easily revolve around reels and carousels till our lives are but in-between spaces. When all that’s fickle and fleeting burns and fades away, is it gold or tinder that remains?
I went into a deep soul searching, the kind that heaves and aches and plasters you on the ground because the weight of the revelation feels too hard. And I learnt, am learning, that ultimately, God’s grace covers my wretchedness. For all the times my heart wandered and my eyes were drawn to shinier things, God sent people and orchestrated incidents to remind me He’s in the business of course-correction because He chastens those He loves (Heb 12:6-7). He wants us to finish well.
In the words of a friend, you might return to the same things with the same approaches after your hiatus, but the posture of your heart makes all the difference.
Friend, if you need to take an unplugged break from social media and your digital life- know this, the world will keep spinning, the circus will go on, but your eyes, now fixed on the One your soul loves, will keep you on course to finish well.
So stay on course, because that’s all that matters in the end. 💛