If you’ve ever been disappointed in life, you’ll know it has nothing to do with the magnitude of the event in your life.
It could be because of something as grave as a loved one passing on unexpectedly, or something as “small” as not getting the girl you tried to pursue, not getting the raise you gunned for.
Guess what? The dangerous thing is not the disappointment itself- it’s hiding that feeling from God, fearing that if He found out, He’ll know how immature and unspiritual we are.
Guess what, THAT kills us.
If there’s anything in your life that you’re struggling with disappointment by, I hope this message will encourage you- that there is nothing too trivial for God not to understand. There is no questioning too coarse that He cannot handle.
He wants your ugly, messy tears. He’s waiting with a hug.
And I learnt the hard way, when it rained cats and dogs on the dream, sponsored garden wedding God provided us miraculously- that the antidote to disappointment is not time, but thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving multiplies provision- it’s what fed the five thousand from five loaves when Jesus looked up and gave thanks.
But you can’t get there unless you’re willing to share the depths of yr disappointment with God. It’s a painful, humbling process to come before a sacred God with our dirty linen, but when it’s done and we know we’re accepted, that’s when our thanksgiving becomes true and pure.
I hope that as you remember this, as you courageously come before God with your unbridled disappointment, may your grief turn to hope, your tears to thanksgiving. 💛💌
Full msg at: https://bit.ly/Disappointedwithgod