Over the years, I’ve realized the importance of starting the day well.
It sets the tone & perspective for the day.
I know a lot of people say that God doesn’t care what time of day we spend time with Him, but the fact is, as a busy working mom, a million things are happening every day vying for my time, space and attention.
So often, when I miss spending my spiritual time of connecting with God first thing in the morning, my mind and heart are racing. And when I reach the end of the day, tired and weary to read a portion of Scripture, I think to myself, “Man, why didn’t I read this earlier? This was what I needed for the day!”
Reading scripture and giving thanks to God… are also the last things I do before I head to bed.
There’s no better way to ending the day than practicing Gratitude.
But let’s get real.
Life gets busy.
We get tired.
The key is not to beat yourself up over it.
The key is keeping commitments in bite-sized portions that fit your lifestyle.
I know many people who insist reading the Bible in a year every year is awesome and I’m very happy for them. But every time I failed I never went back to it.
So one year I thought to myself, “Hey, why don’t I finish it in two years?”
Since then, I’ve stuck to the 2-year plan because two chapters is not hard to cover on a daily basis. And if I slip up, it’s not hard to catch up on.
I know some of you have been super encouraging about my F45 journey. But let’s also be realistic about that.
When I first had kids and they were little, life was exhausting. We had no domestic helper and little grandparent support.
So, doing home workouts for 30 min every day was all I could muster.
The key is choosing something that works FOR YOU to stick with.
Start with something easy and manageable.
NEVER COMPARE yourself with another mum.
Don’t compare yourself with me. It took me a few years to lose all my postpartum weight. And so what if you don’t?
Be kind to yourself, Mama.
In short, never underestimate the power of little things done cumulatively over a long period of time.
If you’re in doubt, read the life changing book called “The Slight Edge.”
My fitness goal for the end of 2023 is not to lose weight but to get stronger.
I want to do 1-3 unassisted pull-ups by end of the year and don’t know if I can.
But I’m going to try doing something towards that goal every day consistently, and see how that turns out.
I’ll let you know!