“How do you hear God’s voice?” is probably THE most asked question I receive.
After all, that is why we are here in Tanzania, even thought there seemed to be no good reason to be!
A few days ago, we met a foreign doctor who’d served in Tanzania for several years who told us, “You shouldn’t think of coming back.”
When I shared how God had led us on this journey, he simply shrugged, “I don’t believe in the concept of hearing God’s voice. If you want it, you’ll make it happen. You can make things happen entirely on your own.”
I look back on my life, and see a consistent pattern- that whenever I strived so hard to muscle open doors I wanted to walk through, things rarely worked out. Yet, it was always an unexpected key of favor, a sense of God’s voice leading me to a door I would have otherwise overlooked, that unlocked powerful parts of my destiny.
But still, how do we best hear God? How do we know it’s Him and not ourselves at work?
The truth is- God works His will in our lives through a combination of His will and ours.
Do you believe He’s larger, more loving and more sovereign than all your mistakes, waywardness and self-striving? Do you also believe that our hardened hearts can close us off to His miraculous workings?
The question for us to ask ourselves perhaps is- would you partner Him today? Because He’s closer than you think.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” – John 10:27