But of course, for all the gratitude I have for staying here, I also fear all that we’ve to leave behind when we finally do move, if God does open the door.
Yesterday, my heart aches when Cliff and I talked about this, and discussed the grief we’d feel leaving behind our roadbikes, our favorite places, our workout routines and communities.
Then we said, “Aww man, how painful it will be for our girls to leave their bikes and scooters behind.”
Today, I casually asked our children what they would miss most when we leave. I was certain they might not understand the gravity of what moving meant, and was prepared to break the bad news of them needing to leave their prized possessions behind.
But how it shocked me when EP’s first response to my question was “Scooter and trike.”
Clearly, she knew and understood.
And all through this week, she kept asking me, “When are moving home, Mama? My home is in Africa and we should go there soon.”
How precious it is when God speaks to our little ones directly.
Since the start of the year, that has been my prayer. How faithful He has been.