Question: How long have you been blogging/writing before you receive a publishing deal? Can you elaborate on the steps to get there?
The first time I “wrote a book,” I was five years old. I drew the pictures, wrote the words, then strung the pages together with twine.
Since then, I’ve always written bits of my day on paper- something I learned to be journaling later in life.
In 2006, when I received Christ, I officially started blogging on a public link. I believed no one would really read it, but wanted to chronicle the amazing things God had done and spoken to me in my life.
Over the years, as I began to meet blog readers on the streets or received notes of encouragement from them, I continued to write.
Many of you know I published 4 picture books, each of which was used to raise funds and awareness for a social cause. Although published by a legit publisher, I later learnt this was still considered “self-publishing.”
In the publishing world, there are 3 main kinds of publishing:
1. Self-publishing
2. Traditional publishing and
3. Hybrid publishing.
If you need to pay your way at any point of the process, it’s self or hybrid.
Self- publishing means you take care of the printing costs, distribution etc.
Basically, you have full control over the entire process since you’re paying for it.
If you’re working on a project to raise funds or raise awareness about something close to your heart, this is often the way to go.
However, distribution means is often a real limitation.
In traditional publishing, most large publishing houses don’t take in unsolicited manuscripts.
They only receive pitches and proposals by literary agents, who need to earn their place with them through acquiring writers.
This entire process in traditional publishing with an established publishing house should not require any payment, because the industry makes money off your final book sales.
If a publishing house promises you that they’re like a traditional publisher but you need to pay, either they’re more of a hybrid publisher or they’re not being honest.
At any one point, a real literary agent should NOT require payment as well.
Here’s where my greatest shock came in. I discovered that…
… To be an author with a traditional publisher, you often need to have a large speaking platform, digital marketing platform, mailing list, social media platform. Because it’s often the “platform” that sells books, not how good of a book you actually write- although that’s VERY important too, of course!
“Platform” has become somewhat of a dirty word on the industry, since most authors find that the hardest part. Writing the book itself looks easy compared to that!
But here’s the twist…
In 2020, I prayed the only prayer I knew- “Dear God, I pray You’ll choose the publisher of your choice for me.”
You see, in 2015, I had begun writing my first manuscript for a Christian book.
Year after year, local publishers approached me to publish. But a nudge in my heart said to tarry.
A little voice inside me said it was time to pursue international publishing.
But I was afraid. Who did I think I was? Which US publisher in the right mind would take me on?
What credentials did I have when it came to writing?
Fast forward to 2020, after multiple edits, I had a dream about two trees.
Both were tall, one far taller than the other.
The Lord spoke to me- that whether I pursued local or international publishing, He’d bless both endeavors.
But the harder route, the one that took longer, would grow a larger tree, and bear more fruit.
So I opted for the latter.
It was hard. No legit publisher was accepting unsolicited manuscripts.
It felt like I was “out” of the inner circle. I just prayed, “Lord, I don’t know any better- choose for me.”
After writing to dozens of editor, only one reverted. After a year of intensive writing and trashing, after pitching to dozens of agents, one literary agent chose me.
“Lord, would you choose the publisher of your choice for me?”
“You don’t have a large digital platform, that’s your main weakness,” My agent said. Publishers look for writers with huge followings, and I didn’t even use IG then.
Then one day, a zoom request from Baker Books. Of all names, their publishing arm that was interested for me to sign a contract with was called CHOSEN 😭
After that 530am meeting, I went on my usual morning jog. As I prayed, I stopped in my tracks, gasping aloud as the largest rainbow appeared. “Look!” I stopped random passers by as no one noticed the large banner across the sky. It was as if it was just for me.
Earlier this year, I signed a contract with Chosen of Baker Publishing Group.
To aspiring writers, here’s some advice:
1. Decide what publishing mode is right for your book. Egos aside, establishing that will save you a ton of heartache.
If you’re wanting to publish a book for friends and family, say to commemorate a late father or husband, I suggest going for self-publishing. You have more control, it’s faster, and your book will serve its unique purpose.
But if you’re writing a how-to book on grief based on some frameworks you’ve discovered that could empower people who apply them, go for traditional publishing. It’ll have a larger reach.
2. If you decide on traditional publishing, get started with an editor, then a literary agent, then an international publisher. GOOGLE.
Be prepared for LOTS of hard work. No one can hand hold you.
Get a circle of people who believe in you and will cheer you on!
I get asked this A LOT- and can never answer directly because every one’s journey will look different.
There are many how-to manuals you can search out online but there are NO short cuts.
I cannot give you a formula. You need to seek God on what it looks like FOR YOU.
3. Platform-building is a dirty word in the industry. But it doesn’t have to be.
When I got acquired by a literary agent and publisher, they challenged me to think about writing not as “what I want to write,” but as “what can benefit people.” This paradigm shift completely changed my writing- it helped me be audience centric.
And it changed the way I did social media. For me, it’s about how I can be a blessing. Once I focused on that instead of getting the 10K following that publishers are looking for, I became authentic and my writing evolved.
God proved Himself faithful when He handpicked a publisher who didn’t care about my lack of a 10K- IG-following because he believed in me and wanted to take a risk he felt was worthwhile. 😭
So if you’re not published, don’t be hung up on it. If you’re self-published instead of traditionally-published, don’t look down on yourself.
Ultimately, it’s all about obedience, friend.
May God guide you with His light and heart.
You can trust Him, love!
Final word:
But all in all, remember this-
No matter what following size you have,
no matter what kind of background you come from,
no matter how poor in English or restricted in networking you are…
If God has called you to write,
Let Him take the wheel and guide you towards publishing- however that might look like. ❤️