Once upon a time, there was darkness all around. It was God who spoke light into the world.
“Let there be light.” And there was.
Since then, perhaps, some of us have expected, more than we ought to, the light to remain because we think it is God’s job to keep it bright. But the truth is, it’s not.
Keeping the light on, keeping sunshine bursting through windows and falling on open eyes and ears and hearts, keeping darkness frightened, cowered and… destroyed, is as much your responsibility as it is mine.
And I am learning, we can speak light into the world, too.
Hold your tongue. Stop for the poor.
Say I love you. You matter.
Let your light shine.
” For God, who said,
“Let light shine out of darkness,”
made his light shine in our hearts to give us
the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Christ.
Dear Wai Jia,
Thanks for sharing 🙂 Thank God for your willingness to share how God has worked in your life throughout the posts over the years.
I pray that this email will not be offensive in anyway, this is really not my intention.
I see that you have posted this entry, and I believe that the intention was not to say that we are independent of God in what we are able to do. However, I was just wondering if a new believer or a non-believer, on reading it, may mistakenly think that any good that is done can be done without His grace and enablement.
I am quite sure it is not your message, but was just a little concerned if others might read it another way.
I hope that this feedback will not cause you any distress or unhappiness, it is not my intention. Please take it kindly as I believe we all seek to glorify Him in all that we do. 🙂
God bless and have a blessed CNY with family and loved ones! 🙂
Wai Ye