I think anyone can look at this fact of life and laugh at it. Yet, it’s so hard to stand apart from it simply because we all (at least us girls and women, in our modern society) struggle with it too.
The fact is this: when we’re young, we’re unhappy with our bodies no matter what our size is. We could think we’re too skinny, too fat, too frizzy, too lanky, too short, too much bum, too little boob, too tall, too much, too little. We’re too-something because we’re too young to understand what true beauty is. And it’s funny because our bodies are probably as close to perfect as they possibly can be and will likely ever be. Our perceptions of too-much, too-little are probably just too much immaturity, too little insight into the Beauty of appreciating ourselve a little bit more.
Then the inevitable happens. Our bodies slow down, skin sags, fat hangs around and out a little more.
We age.
By the time we begin to appreciate ourselves, we realize that what we no longer have was impossibly beautiful to begin with. It’s not that it’s too late to love yourself, but… it’s just laughable to look back and realize how unhappy we were with Perfect, which never was Too-Much or Too-Little. (Laughable, not in a mocking way or a belly-laughing sort of manner. But laughable in a wry sort of way.)
In the past two weeks, I’ve worked 4 consecutive 30-hour shifts almost back to back because I was assigned to. Last week, I worked almost a hundred hours. Truth be told, I feel my body ageing, faster than it was meant to. And I don’t want to look back ten years from now wondering why I hated the body that I would die for then.
So here i am, in between that girly Too-much, Too-little adolescent phase with an in-between body transiting between effortless, lithe youthfulness and mellowing, ageing maturity, keeping my fingers crossed that it’s not too late to squeeze in a bit more time where I can fully revel in the beauty of my youth with gratitude and appreciate who I am and what I’ve got, truly.
You should, too.
Oh no, I think I’m in the too-fat, too-late-to-look-back-at-what-I-had-and-wish-I-still-had-that stage! 🙂 It is amazing how we are never satisfied with ourselves! I look back at 8kg lighter and am amazed at how I thought back then that I was fat! Crazy women! But it’s really not too late. I’m telling myself now to just be happy with what I am. 🙂 A good exercise regime can actually help fix this. It’s just the getting started on it part! Thanks for sharing. I hope other girls see this and appreciate themselves before it’s too late. Actually, it will never be too late. 🙂
hey, saw your name on one of the referral letters we saw during consults today! (I’m doing my electives at tts)