“That ring… is not good for you to wear.”
She took the ring from me, and we decided that she would return it to me only after I got married. “I will keep it for you.” And that was that.
Somehow a great sense of relief washed over me. It was as if I had finally let go of another bag of fear, amidst all the big bags of fear I carry around with me daily- the fear of loving, the fear of being loved, the fear of swimming, the fear of pain, the fear of dreaming. I gave Aunty L my ring because we decided it was “not good for you to wear”, that “God will make that to happen which should happen so you ought not to limit what He wants to do with your life”. So that precious ring which I always wear on my wedding finger even though I am single, because of a ton of reasons which Aunty L struck off one by one, is now… gone.
I wonder if perhaps God has been trying to get something through to me. On top of the many disparate incidents which have occurred over the past month, this week, not one, not two, but four people came to talk to and challenge me about my views on relationships, and I think Aunty L was the one who won me over. She took my ring away- that ring which held so much of my fear- my fear of loving, of being loved, of pain and of dreaming. And now I feel strangely… free. Free, not because of worldly reasons, but free, because this is the beginning of letting my fears about loving and of being loved go. I have had to confess, that the ring was worn out of fear, too.
This week, I learnt, that one of my fears included that of not being able to see things through. It disturbed me to realise that I had the habit of starting on books but not always finishing them, of taking new hobbies up with great enthusiasm but pursuing very few, of starting a run, swim or bike but always faltering in the second half, of starting off well and then not being able to finish off strong because of Pain. That day, when Amos made me do twelve more laps with weights on my legs just at the point when I was ready to get out of the water because of fatigue, I remember being afraid of not finishing the task which lay ahead because of the pain. And perhaps part of the tears at the end that day, was in realising the pre-existing weakness that I had of not seeing things through, of fearing to overcome pain. It made me wonder-when a relationship hit the rocks, would I give up too soon, too fast and throw in the towel because of the challenges? Would I not realise that Pain in a relationship is like Pain in a race? That it is necessary for growth?
Perhaps the pain in a relationship or a race is like that experienced in labour. Once in the labour ward, I witnessed an extremely difficult delivery. The mother was exhausted, and she kept pushing in short spurts instead of giving long, sustained pushes, resulting in the baby continually being ping-ponged up and down the birth canal but never quite coming out. This resulted in terrible tears in her vagina which needed much stitching. I suppose that just like in labour or a race, we all come to a point of excruciating pain where a sustained effort, more than short bursts of motivation, is required to keep us going till the end- if one wishes for smooth finish. Surely, it is overcoming that pain in the long haul, persistently, which makes a relationship, race or the process of labour great and beautiful.
Many friends and mentors, too, have shared with me the ups and downs of being in a relationship. Through the misunderstandings, they understood each other better, and through the pain, they loved each other more deeply- even though at some point, many of them confessed to me that they felt like giving up because things got tough.
So even though this really is a tiny, tiny race I have had the privilege of going for, I am learning Big lessons along the way, about myself, about others and about life. I want to learn how to stick it out when things get tough, and how to finish well.
I am learning, that we go through different seasons in life- that God allowed the ring for a season of my life to protect me- for it was just at that point where I met a person who would have swept me off my feet with his slickness had it not been for the commitment I felt God had made me make during the time. The person turned out to be someone who would’ve destroyed me completely had it not been for the ring. Today, J wrote,” I think the season for God’s purposes for you having the ring is over, I remember it was quite amazing how you came to have it in the first place. It’s interesting how He teaches and leads us in each season learning new trust and surrender in greater measures each time.”
I am learning, that trusting God with my relationships, now and in the future, will take me through a higher level of faith. I am learning that I have reached the point where my heart needs to be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d, that I need to expect more from myself than others, that reality stands in stark constrast to disney, and that if someone comes in a white horse and the whole fairy tale get-up (which someone did in some way), he most likely is a fake-o. That though reality doesn’t come with sparkles and medieval battles, there is beauty in simplicity and plain integrity. I am learning, that I need to be less proud and more real with myself and others, that I need to stop shutting people out from my life just because they are nice to me, and that while certain standards cannot be compromised, I have to stop trying to surpass the ceiling in setting expectations. This will not be a comfortable learning curve, but one which I will have to embark on nonetheless, to learn the lesson of seeing things through, till the very end.
I could not sleep last night- something turned restlessly within me as I pondered over the silly mistakes I had made because of my attitude towards relationships and people, and wondered if they were irreversible. Aunty L wrote me today, “Did not miss the ring, I hope. I pray for the hands of God to embrace you tenderly. Is anything too hard for Him?”
I want to learn not to fear pain but to see things through. And I hope Aunty L will have reason to return my ring back to me someday, when I no longer will need it anymore because of a new one I’ve received.
So I don’t have my ring anymore. And that is that.
haha, we've been telling you for more than a year….
-throws stone-
Hey sister wai! I hope you don't mind me contacting you here. I just wanted to say that today you entered my thoughts and I suddenly realised that I have not spoken with you in ages! I tried calling you today but I think I only have your old no. as some guy answered the phone sounding lost when I asked for Wai Jia. Anyway, I want to tell you that I had been going through some rough patches in my relationship, and in times of darkness I think of my friends and you are one of them. Your existence give me great strength and courage to face the challenges in life. Thank you for being you, and let me know if you need any support from your friend over here =)
With love,
Brother nic
Hey brother Nic,
Thanks for dropping by- yr life has been a great source of encouragement to me too. I read what youve been going thru and just wanna say that it takes a lot of courage and strength to go thru what you're going thru now. I know it's not easy, it's really tough, but hang in there… at least you took the brave step- i am still learning how to be brave so i can love and be loved. Nobody knows what the outcome will be, i know you need a physical being, but God can bring that person to you too. Take yr time to heal… Keep being brave, yr friends including me are here to listen/talk/pray with you if you need anything. Thank you for being you too. Do get my number from Norm! 🙂 Add me on fb!
Are you going for osim? my first tri (mini haha) is next saturday- hope to see you sometime soon.
Keep going ok? God's watching over you.
sister Wai
Thank you sister wai. Your words mean so much to me. I believe in you. Thank you for having me in your prayers. With people like you in my heart, it gives me great strength. I will really try to catch up with you when I get back.
I won't be going to Osim, tentatively I will be going to desaru on that weekend. Because I have helped most of the NUS Aquathlon to lias with our coach who made bookings for the trip. However I may not be racing as I may not get my bike back by then. I wish you all the best for OSIM, do share with me your experience! I think we will have many tri things to talk about soon! =)
with love,
brother nic