“What’s the greatest lesson you’re learning this season?” A friend asked me yesterday.
“That God cares more about the person we’re becoming more than what we can do for Him.”
I’m learning— that God is more interested in our redemption and restoration, even in areas we’ve tried to forget. We forget, that “we are image bearers with work to do, not work doers with an image to maintain.”- @iansimkins
13 years ago when I lost my first dog without getting to say goodbye while I was on call at the hospital, the thought of having another one ever hurt too much.❤️ I began to resent dogs, since it triggered waves of guilt.
But Courage’s presence has been a strange balm to us all, through the all the stresses of transition to Tanzania and the recent break-ins and attacks around our new neighborhood. While we’ll miss Little Miss and her quirky antics, we’ve also come to see how they’re each blossoming, better apart. 💛For one, Courage no longer barks through the night, and we’re all getting some deep rest, knowing we’re safer with him at night.
If you’ve a pet, I’d love to hear yr favorite things you do with it 💛💛💛 and if you’ve a dog, I’d love to know what tricks you teach them!