How do you create a family that leaves a legacy of faith?🤔🤨🧐
At a recent talk, I’d have shared this if we’d more time-
1. Assume uncertainty. And let uncertainty be the vacuum into which you speak faith into.
2. Choose your language. Speak faith.
“Yeah! You got into this elite school, that means your younger siblings will get in too. The next 15 years of our lives are sealed! Praise the Lord!”
This language speaks volumes about our values. It tells our children that first and foremost, we value education, security and success.
Recently, Cliff and I met with a missionary friend of ours who resonated with the uncertainty we face in our future- the Lord may call us to the States in 2024 for the Kitedreams book launch, we may serve in Africa or some part of Asia before or after that… who knows?
Having raised her daughter in Africa, Asia, Australia, Tonga, NZ, she shared with me, “I tell F every year to enjoy school wherever she is, because depending on where God calls us to serve in, we might be in a different place the following year. She’s inherited our sense of adventure, wonder and faith in God.”
That captured my heart.
What conversations do you have at home that prizes the supremacy of God’s will above your own?
I love James 4:13-17: What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If it’s the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’
Besides reading the Bible and devotionals to your children, sharing pictures of mission trips with your children, telling them about your immigrant heritage even, what are some ways you bring faith to life in your home?
As I dug up some old photo albums and found one with photos of me serving medically in the Sichuan earthquake and at an outreach at Smokey Mountain in the Philippines, I felt God ask me, “Why don’t you share these with your children?”
I am learning- that our legacy of faith is built day by day, through intentional discipleship.
Tell me how you speak faith at home, I’d love to know!