Dear Readers,
Since writing on this blog and sharing at various platforms to young people about humanitarian work and community service,
I have been inspired to start a Series on this space to answer some of the
commonly-asked or thought-provoking questions some of you have posed to me over the years.
Are short-term mission trips really useful?
Isn’t it more beneficial for me than for the people?
Are they a waste of practical resources?
Isn’t “doing good” really a selfish desire to make one feel better?
Where do I start?
It was at this point that I was approached to start writing a column about “Doing Good”
by Singapore International Foundation.
It could not have been more timely!
“Steps to a Better World” is thus a fortnightly column I will be writing for Singapore International Foundation for Our Better World. This column will be dedicated to answering the questions that you have about doing good-
be it doing good in everyday life, community service,
or short to mid to long term humanitarian service overseas.
Cliff and I are no experts, but I hope that by answering some of your questions from our experience with helping the needy,
the little extra insight will continue to fuel your passion to make our world a better place.
Cliff and I will be away in India, Andra Pradesh, from this evening until Christmas.
While we’re away, we’d love to collect your questions about “Doing Good” and answer them through 2014 under this new fortnightly column.
NO question is too simple or silly- we’d love to hear them all!
I can’t promise to answer all of them, but I will answer some of them to the best of my ability.
Looking forward to receiving yr questions!
Send them to [email protected] with the title: “Steps to a Better World”.
Have a wonderful Christmas season,
and we appreciate your prayers for our safe travels and health
while we’re in India visiting the poor and needy at Andra Pradesh, and the cyclone-hit areas of Orissa.
Thank you.