As I progress further and further into my training, I begin to ask God where I should go, and what I should do. In the midst of the pursuit of scientific knowledge, research demands and impending decisions to make about traineeship again, the floods in Philippines were a stark reminder to me of what we are here for, and whether our arguements for climbing further up the specialist route really do stand when really, what the world and people really need aren’t more pHDs, but simply, availability.
Cliff and I fly to Cambodia today with missionaries to visit an anti child-trafficking ministry. Some people have asked me how that is relevant at all to what I’m doing in medicine.
In the meantime, as we work, chase after that next research project opportunity, or write the next email to clinch the next job offer, people’s lives are continually changing and moving on, and we pass on the oppportunity to make a difference.
If you would like to help Empowering Lives Asia, please write directly to Thomas at [email protected].