Over the months, people have asked me what I do for work in the hospital here in Tanzania. I often joke back, “Because my work is in public health, the right question should be what do I do OUTSIDE the hospital to prevent people from making it there!”😅
Over the months, I’ve been visiting villages to explore working alongside local communities on disease prevention. From connecting with village leaders to discovering “frugal innovations” by the poor, I feel privileged to be given a glimpse into their ingenuity to thrive.
Not all days are exciting ones— there are many filled with long bumpy rides, meetings in Swahili, uncertainties and vexations. But if I could share a snippet of highlights that bring joy to me, here’s what it’d look like. 💛
Thank you for journeying with me as I find our place and purpose in our new chapter of life here in Tanzania. 🌿