“If God connected with us as a servant, that becomes the way we connect with the people of this world. While it runs counter to our natural desire, we have no choice. We are never more like Jesus than when we serve others.” – Cross cultural servanthood by Duane Elmer
But thank you all, really, for your prayers this week.
As I crawled out of a very dark space, I walked into this beautiful sight… and it made me realize that sometimes, all we need is to hold on for one more day, try and walk past just one more corner.

Back home in Singapore, I’ve always been so used to and grateful for gifts coming through the mail, often from friends or even from you on this space.
Coming here cut that possibility off, especially with how expensive it is for us to receive mail here (we have to pay hundreds of dollars just to open a package) but this week, a new friend gifted this to me.
It’s a handmade bracelet that says “CHERISH” because she says she cherishes our friendship and wants me to know God cherishes me. I almost cried on the spot receiving it. It still brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it.

As much as I sometimes feel forgotten by community back home, I’m learning to let go of the pain and thank God for the community that’s welcoming me here. 💔❤️🩹
On another note, while walking today, I walked past the man who groped me weeks ago. I recognized him at once and he continued to leer at me.
Every time I feel I’ve recovered from a trauma moment, a new one arises. I took a photo of him, am still contemplating what to do.
I know many of you from developed countries will instinctively say to report him, but in this context, it’s not as simple.
Yet, I know being a disciple of Christ means I do not own the privilege of luxuriating in inaction in the face of injustice.
Would you pray with me to know what to do? Clearly, he stays very close to us.
I start trauma therapy this week with a new therapist. Thank you for keeping us in prayer.