It’s good to be home. After struggling for nearly a year not being able to find a sending org to send us to the mission field,
we finally have.

Grateful to have a community believe in our journey and next steps to Tanzania.
Thank you, Life Church. 💛🙌🏾
Grateful for this special audience as I shared on the subject of what God requires of us when we face injustice 💔

Birthed through so many heartbreaking experiences in the past year, I’m grateful to those of you who cried and laughed with me 💛
After the busy evening speaking and being at the book table, I was so much looking forward to dinner afterwards with community, but my two little ones who felt under the weather said, “Mama, can we go home? I just want to eat your home cooked food.”
Seeing my disappointment, Cliff gave me money to go for dinner while he took the girls home- but I felt God gently asking me, “This is ministry to your children. Would you show them that they come first?”
So I went home with them.
On the ride back, I thought about how they helped Mama at the book table, how they waited and waited while we chatted and ministered to others, how the moment I went back to my seat after preaching, my firstborn looked at me and said with a big smile, “MAMA YOU DID A GREAT JOB.” 🥹
I hope they’ll always know that they’re more important to me than work or “ministry” because they are my first ministry.
Lately, more people have been asking me if I can meet them privately. Sometimes, I get asked why I haven’t responded to DMs or text messages.
The truth I’ve come to accept is this-
I am limited.
As time passes,
our sphere will expand, followers will grow.
But my first ministry is to steward my first two followers- my children.
If I haven’t replied to you, or cannot meet you personally, please know it has nothing to do with you, but simply that I am limited.