Is he/she the right one?
“What if he/she can’t play a musical instrument even though I’m crazy about music?”🎸
“What if we have different vocations?”🩺💻🎨🪠
“What if he/she is a night person and I’m a day person?”☀️🌝
The list goes on. 🤷🏻♀️
Whenever @cliff.tam and I meet with young people to speak about relationships, we love the questions they bring.
The only challenge is- we can never get to the end of the barrel of every question.
Today, I’d like to share a question which I hope can help you answer the niggling questions you might have about a special someone, even if you’ve yet to meet him/her, or to help someone navigate that.
Ask yourself: what do I value? 🤔
Remember, there aren’t right or wrong answers- only truthful and untruthful ones.
I remember wondering why a suitor who didn’t eat veggies (AT ALL!) was such a turn-off. It’s clearly not sinful- but health and self-care are important values to me.
I remember writing down “plays a musical instrument” on my “Wish List” only to find out Cliff hasn’t a musical bone in his body. Clearly the other suitors who led worship seemed better qualified, but although I appreciate it, music has never featured prominently in my life.
I remember looking at this man from afar- wondering how he could be the right one when God got my attention from his post-liver-transplant IronMan race- which told me he valued discipline, adventure, perseverance, grit, resilience, health, nature… all of which are priorities to me.
So if you ever have a question of whether or not someone is the “right one,” and feel too shy to ask- ask yourself first: What does this concern tell me about what I value?
There are plenty of couples with many similarities who can’t get along, and many with few similarities who can. The key is- what do you both value highly, which gels your hearts together?
Clarifying your values will always give you clarity to move forward. ✨