Could it be that it’s not that God is silent but that His answer is “NO” or “NOT YET”?
Could it be that He desires for us to operate through faith and not fear, from provision and not scarcity?
Recently I’ve been knocking on God’s door asking for help. It’s a desperate feeling, to need help and not find it. To sink inwards alone with an emptiness, asking “Where is my help when I need it?”
Yet, from a different lens, I had an epiphany- what if I changed my lenses? What if I wholeheartedly believed what Hudson Taylor said, that God’s work done in His time and way would never lack His supply?
So instead of not having what I think I need, mourning over what I think should be, could be- could it be that it’s just time to slow down, step back, trust Him?
How would YOUR perspective change if you operated from a place of supply not scarcity, life and not lack?