The joys of early parenthood are rich and many, caught in priceless moments that would only flit away on the wings of time, should one fail to pause to marvel at His bundled miracle:
A scoopful of pure bliss, milk-drunk, and a smile worth a thousand smiles, every day.
I often wonder, what you’re dreaming of when you break into that signature smile deep in your sleep whenever I call your name, that reaches to the ends of the earth, just like Papa’s.
I thought I would struggle with the transition to early parenthood and postpartum blues, what with the hormonal changes, our first time parenting, and transition to a new place.
But you make Mama smile from the inside, like a sun that never goes dark, as you, like a sunflower, reaches for to magnify her light. You make loving you so easy and joyful.
We can’t thank God enough for you, our happy baby.
We love you, Sarah-Faith.
Papa and Mama