Gratitude, also the meaning of part of yr Chinese name (En), is what has colored our last two weeks of parenting.
Gratitude that parenthood is not all about spit-up and poop and diaper changes and having nipples of steel, but about all the memories in between- your daily smiles, brightening eyes and having you fall asleep, milk-drunk, on what you know to be the safest place on earth- Papa and Mama’s chest.
Gratitude for how much of a joy and adventure you make parenting to be, that people ask whether we truly are the parents of a newborn, since you give us sleep and let us bring you outdoors wherever we go (you hardly made a squeak when Papa brought Mama out on Valentine’s Day when you were hardly two weeks old!); Gratitude that after Mama and Papa were stressed out and heartbroken by that day of your unusual and incessant crying, that we finally figured out what it was that was bothering you, that it wasn’t as apocalyptic as your lungs made them out to be and that it ended as swiftly as it started; Gratitude that after Mama was feeling sore all over from a week of breastfeeding on uncomfortable chairs (she didn’t tell anyone about it), that an unexpected angel came by to deliver a lifesaver-an amazing glider chair, specially meant for breastfeeding, whose rocking motion you absolutely love and Papa loves sleeping on too.
I guess it did give us a laugh when our neighbors looked at us incredulously in the elevator and asked, “Is this.. YOUR baby? You don’t even look like you’ve just been in labor!” And it gave us a kick to see their faces when we replied, “Yes indeed, we had her upstairs!”
Spending our first walk in the park as a family on a warm winter’s day!
Gratitude, for the outpouring of love and generosity from people who hardly know us.
Gratitude, that you have been the answer to our prayers, that you are so happy to join us in ministry from a young age, as part of Team Tam.
You joining us at our first speaking invite on Day 20, as snug as a bug in Mama’s sling, as part of your early “missions exposure” as Cliff and I shared on missions, relationships and hitting the mark.
Gratitude, that Papa seeing Mama slinging you in one hand and cooking in the other, and Mama seeing Papa bathing you and rocking you to sleep, and having all three of us slathered with poop on some part of ourselves, laughing and crying at the same time, has strengthened the meaning of what we know to be Family.
Gratitude that while you think the best thing on earth is seeing Mama and Papa’s face, you don’t even have a fraction of an idea of how amazing it is to see you from the other side.
God, Papa and Mama love you more than you will ever know, our little hungry caterpillar.