“Grief’s Funeral”, a series from “Casting Crowns”,
a collaborative project between Wai Jia and Ian Ho
(Concept and modelling by Wai Jia, Photo by Ian Ho)
Grief- it is defined as an intense, emotional suffering caused by loss of any kind.
“And so the only way she could put an end to it, was to pack her loss away in a casket for a burial: her towering castles, precious jewels, crowns she had made for herself. It was only then, at the quiet funeral of Grief, that she saw what casted crowns were made of- just, paper.
Under a tree in a forgotten forest, her grief died that day.”
In a collaborative project I entitle “Casting Crowns”, I explore the themes of ticking time, letting go of earthly riches and the search for treasures in eternity, in light of our brief existence. Here is the last of the series, named “Grief’s Funeral”.
In 6 days, we will leave home for Uganda for at least a year. Looking back at the many months of pain, anguish, and heartaches, I have begun to see how they were all part of an important process of grieving, mourning loss of our jobs, homes, and people we love. Thank you for all your prayers, I feel I have come to a milestone of some sort, to find ourselves packing some of what we love into two suitcases.
Grief, at least the fiercely sobbing, tearful, tragic kind, has finally come to some sort of end.
“So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh,to live according to the flesh-
for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die;
but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.…”
– Romans 8: 12-14
I like this series, looks like illustrations from a fairy tale story. I think I can relate to the grieving process too, of exchanging what we hold dear for heavenly treasures. All the best in the next part of your journey.