One morning, as we hiked up the cliffs and were yet amazed by another breathtaking sight, I was reminded of a crucial lesson:
Both fear and faith are contagious-
what you feed, will grow and spread.
The forecast had predicted rains and poor weather. Instead, Cliff decided to take the risk to venture out, and there were clear blue skies, reflected like crystal into scenic lakes, forgotten woods that sent echoes of even a single woodpecker, and special, accidental close-up encounters with wildlife-even the shy but majestic moose!
It reminded me, how easy it is for us to allow fear of what we think would happen, instead of faith to be sown into our lives. And when we do so, we stop short of key experiences and completely miss the glorious landscapes that God has destined for us to be a part of. Back home in Singapore unfortunately, the disgruntled sounds of naysayers had taken its toll on us both, and it was simply refreshing to be in another part of the world, meeting missionaries doing the same, if not more drastic decisions for God, and be encouraged by their simple faith in a God whose ways we cannot fathom.
It was simply amazing to witness and be a part of God’s creation in all His grandeur and majesty, and be reminded to carry on walking forward in faith, in spite of discouragements others may try to sow.
Are you wondering whether to step out or hold back?
Venture out in faith,
the skies might just surprise you.
Photos taken at Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada