Thank you for supporting Cliff and I (Wai Jia) thus far. We’d like to share a story that we hope may encourage you.
There are times where it may seem your deepest heart-cries are not heard, but they are.
Some things, just take time.
A few weeks ago, a missionary friend of ours working with the poor in Smokey Mountain, the slums of Philippines returned to Singapore, jaundiced, and was hospitalized. (Smokey Mountain is named as such as the poor eke out a living from the scavenging the mountain of trash that gets burnt there daily.) Soon after his recovery from Hepatitis A, we met up and he shared that many of the children in the slums were similarly jaundiced. At present, for a dollar per child per week, they have a weekly feeding programme for 500 children in the slums.
For weeks we prayed, not knowing how or what we could do. Feeling burdened and yet, quite helpless, Cliff and I felt trapped. Vaccination? Fundraising? Nutrient supplementation? Sustainability of these efforts? We were overwhelmed. Worse, work became increasingly hectic and the vision of us going down to the slums became bleaker. One Sunday, I remember us huddled in prayer for hours. Deeply burdened, I was wrecked and in tears for hours, Cliff could only hold me and pray.
Through the eyes of Cliff
It started from one afternoon after church. Wai Jia was in tears recounting to me her trip to Smokey Mountain in 2010. We felt powerless. Smokey Mountain is so far away. The problem is so complex. What could we do? Was prayer enough?
Wai Jia in her trip to Smokey Mountain in 2010, clothing a naked slum boy in the rain.
We lifted our open hands and asked God to use us with the resources we have.
As we laid our heart and desires before God, He started to move. Within a few weeks, individuals experienced in medical missions shared their counsel with us. The doors continued to open as Wai Jia was granted leave from work in very short notice and we were able to book tickets at the last minute.
But the details we had were vague. Some of the children are sick. Their eyes are yellow. We suspect it is the water but can’t be sure. What’s the long term solution? What’s the right plan? We do not know exactly. But we lift this up to God for Him to guide. The path He guides us to, we will walk in faith.
Through the eyes of Wai Jia
God had seemed silent, but we kept praying. Since marriage, Cliff has etched the routine of us praying together three times a day, every day. With a looming project with a tight deadline on the way, I told him I felt irresponsible to leave work for Smokey Mountain. God, what do I do? I said. If You want us to go, open the doors.
A few days ago, frenzied and stressed at work, I took my project papers to the deputy director’s office for urgent approval. “Just to inform you, one of the bidders for this project is a personal friend,” I said. At that instant, this heavy project was off-loaded immediately to my colleague, to avoid any issue of conflict of interest. I was stunned. This was the very project at work holding me back from taking leave. God had heard our prayers- I no longer needed to stay back over the easter weekend to work on this project. One closed door was open.
That afternoon, I felt prompted to write to some people to ask if they could provide some contacts to connect this ministry to some Filipino organisations who might be able to support them. Within a few hours, many emails were exchanged, and hands from different continents were tied together. A second door opened.
That evening, as I checked the prices for various air tickets and saw how they had skyrocketed due to the easter weekend, I received an SMS from a friend who wanted to bless us with some funds, and offered it for our trip to Smokey. It was a tremendous encouragement emotionally, and an answer to our prayers for provision. The next morning, in spite of such short and urgent notice, my leave was approved.
There had been no answer for weeks, only tears and an overwhelming burden. Then just within 24 hours, four closed doors were knocked down, and there was an outpouring of favour, love and connections.
So here we are, set to be off to Smokey Mountains in the slums of Manila next weekend. This visit, we will be bringing in nutrient supplementation, de-worming and de-licing for the children. Nothing earth-shaking, but we hope to remain obedient to the call of God.
God hears our prayers, even when it doesn’t seem like it.
This week, what have you been agonizing about? What have you been struggling through? He hears, and will answer. An outpouring of blessing awaits. Have hope.
Through the eyes of Cliff
This weekend, from 28 March to 1 April, we will be going for a quick four day trip to assess the needs, to pray and to see how we can help. Jesus used Isaiah 61:1-2 to start the inauguration of His Ministry to humanity. He was to bring the Good News to the poor. As His followers, we are called to do the same. The compassion for the poor is the same commandment Jesus gave us: to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Since getting married, Wai Jia and I have shared frequently on how God would use us. When this missionary friend asked for help, it was almost like the Macedonia call.
We will be celebrating Easter with a local church in Smokey Mountain. What a privilege to serve and worship together the joy of our Risen Lord.
Thank you for your encouragement and love for us.
Remember: Keep praying, don’t give up!
A “Smokey Mountain” boy from the slums in Philippines and I, taken about a year ago.
If you would like find out how you can help, please let us know.
We covet your prayers:
– For the children and people in need in the slums
– For Cliff’s health and mine
– For direction, wisdom and divine favour /connections to help the people.
Thank you.
Hi Wai jia,
very encouraged to read this… i was at smokey mountain back in 2011 too! and being there and also spending time with a local pastor and children and youths…
i will be praying for you and Cliff…
it is a great reminder that in our times of struggling and waiting, God is working… especially so that my other half is struggling with her health and i can do nothing to help her feel better… i was just having a rough day today, but after reading your post, i was reminded to continue to trust Him and to have hope…