It doesn’t take a tear-jerking film for many of us to want to step out to bless somebody, or make a difference in someone else’s life.
But there are times we do feel stuck- scared to start a conversation with a stranger, too awkward to thank a busker for his beautiful music, too embarrassed or shy to help a crippled man with his groceries.
This Chinese New Year, Cliff and I have decided to a little project just for fun- and YOU can do it too! It’s EASY!
Pack some red packets with a token sum of appreciation with a little note of appreciation-
“Thank you for making a difference to my life”,
” Your dedication to your job has blessed me”,
“Thank you for being a blessing”,
“God bless you”…
… and pass it to the security officer who works at your office or apartment, the elderly man pushing a cart of cardboard down the street, the cleaning lady who faithfully cleans your workplace every day ( I just found out Zhe Ping, the lady who empties my trash bin every day, doesn’t even know if her supervisor will grant her an off-day this Chinese New Year season. She says on public holidays when there’s no one in the office, they sometimes get posted to clean other locations).
Buy a few packets of Coffee powder, canned food or biscuits and stash them at home or at your office, in case you remember the people who have made a difference in your life and want to bless them with them.
And don’t forget to sign off, because everyone loves to know an extra friend. And don’t forget to ask them what their name is, because everyone loves to be known as Somebody who matters.
Because not everybody earns a four-figure salary. Not everyone enjoys holidays on holidays, and not everybody knows that they matter, or are special.
So make this Chinese New Year special for someone else. Make it Christmas with the spirit of giving.
And in doing so, it will be Special for you, too.
And do not forget kindness to strangers, for by this,
some who, while they were unaware,
were worthy to receive Angels.
– Hebrews 13:2
Simply wonderful Angpow idea …more than the money its an opportunity to praise others for their contributions in our lives this pasr year …the security guard, drivers, tea ladies, hospital attendants, maids etc in our lives …