Since then, God has amazed us time and again by the uncanny and shocking coincidences that have come our way.
There was the time in Cambodia when we were on a mission trip right after our wedding day, when we were stopped on the street by a Caucasian lady who recognized us from our video; a group of teenagers who approached us at a traffic light junction after a talk about reaching out to the poor in Singapore after recognizing us from our blogs; strangers at church who have become friends after watching our video from their friends’ facebook pages; having an amazing, amazing 75% discount from one of the most popular wedding destinations in Canada because their event coordinator watched our video and wanted to make our garden wedding a dream come true on our very, very modest budget; receiving text messages on how youth groups are screening the video to teach the importance of committing our futures and future partners to God…
… and one absolutely unforgettable experience in a lift two weeks ago, when I was totally embarrassed, shocked and amazed: Two strangers had walked into the same lift as I at my workplace, one of whom turned to me and said, “I know you, I saw your wedding video!” The other lady (who didn’t know either of us and was on her way for a chest X-ray) looked up and exclaimed, “Hey! You’re that doctor who married that guy! I watched yr video too! My niece is one of your classmates!”
I walked out of that lift, stunned, realizing how powerfully God can use us when we don’t even realize it.
I write this as en encouragement to myself in this season, and to you, because there are times we need to step back and remember, step back and record the many amazing miracles God has done in our lives and be in awe of them, before we can walk forward again.
Just a few nights ago, I was a wreck at church, after a powerful sermon hit me like a spiritual avalanche, and I questioned God on why our doors were closed- why we had prayed, availed ourselves and emptied ourselves but found no doors open to minister. The frustration of wanting to, desiring to, praying to… and finding no knobs open for us to turn, no new rooms or worlds to enter into. Last weekend we were reminded through an amazing, amazing Word, that God remembers us, remembers you. He has a plan, and perhaps it is just not time yet.
So I wait, I wait patiently. And I remember. Because as a lady whom I met in the mission field in Africa two years ago just wrote to me this morning (she is on her way to Africa for long-term service to the poor after quitting her job at the age of almost seventy)…
… “What I’m trying to say is you two are young you have your whole lives ahead of you. You both have open hearts for what God wants for you, so just let Him teach you what He needs to and enjoy the journey. When the time is right He will fling open the doors for you and you will run through them… So please don’t cry, just ask God to show you what you need for this amazing journey that as a couple you are just stepping out on.”
So don’t be discouraged. Just wait, just trust.
Just keep at whatever you’re doing faithfully, and pray.
At the right time, the doorswillfling open. God loves the joy of working with you.
🙂 thank you Wai Jia, so encouraged by all your writings.
this post really encouraged me Waijia, THANK YOU!
Hi Wai Jia, someone from TTSH told me about your blog and your touching youtube video. It is so inspirational to read your blog and watch the video. Hehehe, hope you remember me….the nurse from TTSH when you are ortho HO and who bumped into you at Pasir Ris Park while jogging. No wonder I always find this HO so special, quiet and humble……u have made me said wow, many times as i read your blog. Nice knowing you. 🙂
Hi Wai Jia, this has encouraged me a lot because i have also been struggling with the same worries. Quit my job, took a break from work dedicating time to God’s word and other activities, getting ready to go out into the mission field only for doors to be closed.. so looking at your post really encouraged me.. Thanks!
Oh if you only knew how much I needed to hear this tonight. Thank you so much for letting God speak through you! Encouraged so by these words….