Thank you all for rejoicing with us. In a way, I never thought this day would come. It’s hard to believe we’re getting married.
Preparing for the wedding has been a huge step of faith, but we are joyful and thankful for all the gestures of help that have been slowly streaming in. We truly hope our wedding will be a day where we can share our Story in full with you.
Thank you for praying with us, and lending us your helping hands to make this day a celebration of His crazy love for two people who met while they were ten thousand miles apart. The love, kindness and generosity of friends and strangers have truly touched our hearts. (One of you readers from overseas whom I’ve never met even volunteered to make decor stuff for us and mail them to us!) As we wait, we continue to trust that God will provide for us, for things we most need and least expect… Thank you sharing your talents and love with us for our special day. They continue to encourage and affirm us, and show us His very real presence and love.
Here’s sharing part 1 of our invite with you.
My third book on love will be launched on the day, with a special video production launched on the day as well.
See you there.
Cliff & Wai Jia
*If you would like to help in any way, please feel free to drop us an email at [email protected] & [email protected] 🙂
Hi Wai Jia,
I have been reading your blog for a while, on and off for about two years now. I first got to know about you when I picked up a free copy of A Taste of Rainbow at the Island Creamery at King Albert Park. I love picture books, and I absolutely loved your illustrations and your unique journey that you shared through your simple but poignant words, in the form of a children’s story.
I really enjoy reading your posts, because they are so real and raw, and there is no pretense about them. I actually also happen to know a doctor friend of yours, Tan Li feng. She happens to be my prayer partner and in my small group, and she’s getting married this coming Saturday! But I’m sure you already know that. Maybe we’ll see each other at her wedding?
I’m so happy for you! Cliff sounds like a really wonderful, supportive and godly man from all your posts, well the ones that I’ve happened to read anyway =S B
Well, I just felt compelled to post a comment here today. Your writing inspires and gives hope, through reminding us about Jesus and what He has done for us and is continuing to do in and for us, and His amazing grace and great love for us.
God bless you and Cliff.
Look forward to getting a copy of your third book too!! Where will it be launched?
Hi Zaneta,
Thank you for yr encouragement and for leaving a note! I will be Lifeng’s receptionist at her dinner next week heh, so yes look forward to seeing you there!
My next book will be launched (hopefully) on my wedding day on Oct 27- so if you’re available, hope you can come and drop by too!
Im really touched and encouraged by your note. Thank you so much dear 🙂
Hi Wai Jia! You are really an inspiration to so many around who have no hope or direction, no Jesus or purpose in life. Yes looking forward to meeting you in person this saturday at the dinner!
God bless your day! Thanks for sharing so honestly and openly with us all. We are all not perfect yet, and are pieces of work in progress – lumps of clay in our Maker’s hands. Till we see Him face to face, we will have to keep abiding in Him and allowing him to change us to be more like Christ!
May you be a blessing to someone in hospital today, and may you reflect the love and likeness of Jesus to all you meet. God bless!