But I remember what I’m working for and why I’m working, (not for money because per hour, the pay really is similar to working at Starbucks) and find myself rejoicing again in the privilege of simply being a blessing to God’s children who are sick and in need.
A friend once told me, “In the middle of the night when you’re tired and hungry and dehydrated from running around up and down seeing patient after patient, and yet another nurse phones you to tell you a patient is complaining of pain… don’t be mad or frazzled or irritated… Just remember… that that patient is just a human being in pain and that irritating ringtone from your phone is just a little cry somewhere in the wards of this great big hospital for help…”
Help me, God, to always remember, what a privilege it is to serve the needy, rain or shine, public holiday or weekend or not.
Let Your love be my guide. Help me to live generously and beautifully.
“No sin is worse than the sin of self-pity,
– Oswald Chambers Jesus said, “I am among you as one who serves.”
-Luke 22:27
Nice sharing! May the Lord be with u always!
wai jia, JIA YOUU!! you can do it! Depend on God and He will see u thru! (:
Thank you for this post.