It was just an ordinary day. But on that very same day, I received both an email and an anonymous letter in my snailmail box:
… on it was written beautiful scriptures about trusting God in all our trials and difficulties, and your encourgement that I would emerge as gold through this period of purification. Your card had no name but I know who are because you’re the only one I know who lives at that address 🙂
And an email from a stranger.
Dear Wai Jia,
You dont know me. I was first “introduced” to you by my friend E, when she shared with me how you prayed for her and her unborn baby, at XX hospital a year ago. She was very touched. =) I have been a “silent-reader” of your blog since.
This is very random. But I am writing to thank you for sharing our thoughts and life on your blog. I am very touched by the many things that you share and the way you view things/ppl/life and of course, your revelations. I have been reminded to be kind to ppl whom i do not know and to be a “human” human. Too many times, i have running from things to things like a usual mad working woman. =) Thank you.
Please keep well. I’m very sure you will be the big-hearted doctor that your patients will love coz you made that difference in their lives. May God bless your family and all that you do.
Thank you J. I hope you got my reply. Haha, I’m a mad working woman myself, one with an attention deficit, haa. Thank you for sending a sunbeam to me on that ordinary day 🙂
what a letter. Wai Jia, God has made you a blessing to lives and may you continue to impact and impart your world for good. You are a blessing.
Samuel, you and yr family have been a great blessing to me and many many many others too!! 🙂 🙂 keep writing!